*children in NSW are given diagnoses of behaviour disorder and emotional disturbance they don't have
*enrolled in special schools and support classes
*pressures on paediatricians to inflate diagnoses so kids get support in class
*special education costs sharply rose

In recent years, many children in NSW have been diagnosed of behaviour disorder and emotional disturbance which they don't have. Three separate studies also indicated that "pressures on paediatricians to inflate diagnoses so kids get support in class". As a result, special schools and support classes enrolments skyrocket and the costs sharply rose, specially in south-western and western Sydney.

Personal Reflections:
In my opinion, if too many children are being wrongly diagnosed, the special education funding assistance system might be ripped off. In the other hand, if doctors get too much pressure to diagnose children with behaviour disorder and emotional disturbance, some kids who really need to be medicated might be ignored. Therefore, it is very difficult to solve this problem.
Good notes and summary - Thanks for blogging...